📣 Upcoming Closure - Fri., Feb. 28

 The library will be closed on Friday, February 28 for Staff Development Day.

 La biblioteca estará cerrada el viernes, 28 de febrero por día de capacitación del personal.

Veterans Resource Fair

Join us for the library’s Veterans Resource Fair on Fri., May 17!

Veterans and their families often aren't aware of the many programs and benefits that they qualify for due to their service or veteran status. The aim of the Veterans Resource Fair is to fill that gap by making veterans and their families more aware of the range of support services they can access.

At the fair, chat with representatives from organizations about housing, financial assistance, job opportunities, Veterans Affairs benefits, mental health resources, and more. Therapy dogs will also be present at the event. The Veterans Resource Fair hopes to give veterans an overview of the help that's out there and provide the opportunity to open up more doors to other programs, services, and help if they need it.

All are welcome to join us at the library on Fri., May 17 from 1:30 to 4:00 PM to connect with representatives from organizations like the Hines VA, Veterans Assistance Commission, Illinois Department of Employment Services, Addison VFW Post 7446, Midwest Shelter, and Medinah Shrine Therapy Dog Club.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact the Adult Services Department at 630.458.3320.

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