The library offers computers in the Adult, Teen, and Children's areas. Sign in with your library card or a guest pass. Computers are Windows-based with access to Microsoft Office, Wi-Fi, and printing. Print is $0.10/BW and $0.25/color. Learn more about Printing, Copying, and Faxing.
Adults can use the public computers on the second floor. All computers have Microsoft Office. Need more creative software? Learn about our Sound Studio.
The Hive (Teen Space) on the 2nd Floor has 10 computers for teens. Computers have Microsoft Office, games and creative software installed.
Touchscreen computers are available in the Children's Library (first floor). Microsoft Office, Live Tutoring (offered virtually through Brainfuse), TumbleBooks, and BookFlix are available on most computers. The Children's Library also has six iPads loaded with preschool applications and are available for parents with preschool-aged children.
Laptops are available to use in Study Rooms or other areas of the building. PC and Mac laptops are available at the Tech Help Desk and the Children's Services Desk. Laptops are checked out for 2 hours and an Addison Library card is required. Need a computer at home? Check out the Library of Things.