📣 Upcoming Closure - Fri., Feb. 28

 The library will be closed on Friday, February 28 for Staff Development Day.

 La biblioteca estará cerrada el viernes, 28 de febrero por día de capacitación del personal.

4: Reference and Reader's Advisory Services

Last Updated Date

The Library provides qualified, professional, patron-focused staff to meet the information needs of the community in an accurate and efficient manner. Library Staff provides reference and reader’s advisory assistance to any patron requesting it, regardless of residency, and requests for are accepted in person, by phone, through the mail, and digitally. 

The goal of reference service is to provide unbiased information services and instruction to Library patrons. All questions will be given equal consideration and every effort will be made to answer questions as accurately and completely as possible within a reasonable time frame. Patrons will be treated with respect and courtesy, and the confidentiality of patron questions will be maintained. The library provides these reference services to all library patrons regardless of race, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy status, income, religion, housing status, immigration status, or any other category of identification. 

Library staff does not give medical, legal, copyright, financial or tax advice. Because no two reference questions are alike, staff will allow as much time as possible for reference assistance. Answering patrons’ questions takes priority over all other staff assignments. 

To provide the most accurate and authoritative answers possible, Library staff shall avoid personal opinions, philosophy, or evaluations. Rather, staff rely upon information obtained from reputable sources. The source of an answer should always be cited. 

The library also provides Reader’s Advisory service, which includes matching readers, listeners, and viewers to materials. This service is provided by trained and knowledgeable staff relying on reputable sources and professional training. Each patron’s reading, listening, and viewing interests will be taken seriously and without judgment. As Readers Advisory relies on the issues of taste and personal preference, staff may share their opinion and personal knowledge, sometimes providing information or recommendations without citing sources. 

The Addison Public Library subscribes to the American Library Association’s Code of Ethics

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