📣 Upcoming Closure - Fri., Feb. 28

 The library will be closed on Friday, February 28 for Staff Development Day.

 La biblioteca estará cerrada el viernes, 28 de febrero por día de capacitación del personal.

6.1 Meeting Rooms

Last Updated Date

Group Use of Meeting Rooms 

The meeting rooms at Addison Public Library are designed to meet the operational needs of the Library and accommodate the educational, cultural, and civic functions of the community. More specifically, it is intended for the following purposes in order of priority: 

  1. Library sponsored meetings or programs. 
  2. Friends of the Library sponsored meetings or programs. 
  3. Meetings of the Village of Addison and other agencies of local government. 
  4. Meetings of Addison community groups and organizations whose aims are for educational, cultural, or civic purposes and not for profit. 


  • Commercial groups 
  • Social or private functions, including, but not limited to birthday parties and showers 

A meeting is defined as commercial if the group sponsoring or conducting the meeting has as the purpose of the meeting to advertise, promote, or sell a product or service; or to train and motivate its employees; or for any and all other business-related functions such as market research, interviewing applicants, etc. 


  • No admission, donations, or other fees are to be charged by any outside group using the meeting room.
  • The Library reserves the right to assign groups to specific rooms as it deems appropriate. 
  • All meetings must be open to the public without charge. 

Reservations and Scheduling 

  • Reservations are made on a first-come, first served basis.
  • No group may use the meeting room more than once a month. 
  • Requests can be made up to six weeks in advance and must be made at least 1 week in advance. 
  • “Standing reservations” are not permitted. 
  • Groups must not exceed the capacity for the room in which they are assigned to meet. (Information on the capacity of our meeting rooms is available on our website and can also be obtained at any public service desk within the Library.) 
  • Reservations must be made by an adult having a valid Addison Library card. The applicant must remain in the room throughout the group’s meeting. 
  • All groups of persons under 18 must be attended by an adult chaperone who will assume responsibility for the group's activity. 
  • Organizations may not use the Library for their mailing address or, even on a temporary basis, direct calls relating to their meetings to the library telephone. 
  • Individuals or groups using the Library’s meeting rooms may not use the Library’s logo in the advertising of their scheduled meeting or event. 
  • Meetings can only be scheduled during regular operating hours; no one in the group can enter before the Library opens or leave after it closes. All events must end 15 minutes before the library closes.
  • Groups that routinely cancel or reschedule their events or violate Library policy may have their room reservation privileges suspended or revoked. 
  • The organization/group using the meeting room is subject to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Individuals with disabilities who plan to attend the organization's/group's event and who require certain accommodations in order to observe and/or participate in the meeting, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting or the facilities should be informed of the contact name to phone within the organization/group in order for the sponsoring organization/group to make reasonable and appropriate accommodations for these persons. The Addison Public Library is not responsible for such accommodations. 


The Library provides tables and chairs, a projector, and screen. A sign holder that can display an 8.5x11-inch sign can also be provided by the Library at the group’s request. There is no charge for any of this equipment. 

The library does not assist in setting up the room but may offer help with the projector if qualified staff are available at the time of the event. Patrons wishing to test the projector ahead of time can schedule an appointment with library staff after their room reservation is approved. 


Patrons may bring in their own refreshments, provided they clean up after their program. No alcohol or other intoxicating substances are allowed. No food served can be heated (in a microwave, in a toaster, over sternos, or in any other fashion) at the library. 

No access to the kitchen attached to the large meeting room will be granted. 

Use/Care of Facilities 

Groups are not required to put chairs or tables away after an event but must otherwise leave the room clean and orderly. If the room is in poor condition when a group arrives, a member of the group should bring this condition to the attention of the Library staff. 

The meeting room applicant and the group that the applicant represents shall be jointly and severally liable for any breakage, damage, or theft of Library property caused by members or guests of the group. In the event of such breakage, damage, or theft, the group will be barred from further use of the room and the applicant’s library card will be blocked until the Library has been compensated for the affected property. 

Nothing may be attached to the walls, ceiling, floors, furniture, equipment, or doors of the meeting room. All other Library policies apply to conduct that occurs in the meeting room. 


Policy Type