📣 Upcoming Closure - Fri., Feb. 28

 The library will be closed on Friday, February 28 for Staff Development Day.

 La biblioteca estará cerrada el viernes, 28 de febrero por día de capacitación del personal.

7.1 Behavior in the Library

Last Updated Date

The Board of Trustees of the Addison Public Library believes that patrons have the right to use library materials and services without being disturbed or impeded by other library users; that library patrons and employees have the right to a secure and comfortable environment; and, that library patrons and employees have a right to materials that are in good condition. Illinois Library Law (75 ILCS 5/4-7) gives the Board of Trustees the right “to make and adopt bylaws, rules, and regulations, for their own guidance and for the government of the library as may be expedient,” as well as “to exclude from the use of the Library any person who willfully violates the rules prescribed by the Board." 

The staff member in charge of the Library will have the support of the Board of Trustees for any official act in accordance with Board-approved policies and Library procedures. 

Use of Property and Facilities 

Patrons shall be engaged in activities associated with the use of a public library while in the library. In using the facilities, materials, and other property of the Addison Public Library, it shall be prohibited to: 

  1. Enter the Library facility without appropriate attire and without a generally acceptable standard of personal hygiene. 
  2. Use the name or address of the Addison Public Library as any element of advertising or promoting paid tutoring services. 
  3. Possess, sell, distribute, consume or be under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, cannabis, or illegal drugs. 
  4. Use tobacco products in the library and/or within 25 feet of a library entrance or exit. This includes, but is not limited to, cigarettes, vapes, smokeless tobacco, herbal products and e-cigarettes. 
  5. Engage in conduct that may reasonably be expected to create a disturbance or otherwise interfere with the quiet and safe use and enjoyment of the Library by others (for example, but not limited to, loud or boisterous conversations, running, fighting, threatening or harassing behavior, use of video equipment including cell phone cameras, obstructing others' access to Library resources, etc.) 
  6. Engage in conduct that may reasonably be expected to endanger the health and safety of Library users or employees or cause or threaten to cause damage to Library materials or facilities (for example, moving furniture in a way which blocks aisles, using tables, chairs, or heating units as footstools, sitting on stairways, defacing, or vandalizing Library property or materials, etc.) The Library reserves the right to limit the number of people who may sit together at a single table or workstation. Only one person may sit in each seat designed for a single person. 
  7. Bring any animal other than a Service Animal into the Library facility without prior permission of the Library Director. Emotional support animals are not allowed inside the Library. 
  8. Roller blade, skate board, bicycle, scooter, or engage in any other activity that may endanger public safety. 
  9. Canvas, distribute leaflets, surveys, petitions, or engage in similar activity unless authorized by the Library Director. 
  10. Panhandle or solicit library staff or patrons for money, products, or services, inside the library or on library property. 

If face coverings are currently required, then food and drink is not allowed in the Addison Public Library. When face coverings are not required, food and drinks are allowed in the Library except in the following designated areas: 

  • Creative Studio – No food or drinks 
  • Children’s Play Area – No food. Covered drinks are allowed. 

Food should not be eaten while using a Library computer. Covered drinks only are permitted near Library computers. Consumption of food is limited to pre-packaged snacks or wrapped items that are consumed by an individual. Full meals are restricted to the café area only. In the event that equipment or materials are damaged because of food or drink, or if the food or drink being consumed is disturbing other patrons because of mess or odor, staff will ask the patron to take their food or drink out of the Library. Patrons are expected to clean up after themselves and to immediately report accidents to staff. 

Policy Type