📣 Upcoming Closure - Fri., Feb. 28

 The library will be closed on Friday, February 28 for Staff Development Day.

 La biblioteca estará cerrada el viernes, 28 de febrero por día de capacitación del personal.

8.1 Illinois Freedom of Information Act

Last Updated Date

The Illinois Freedom of Information Act provides that “all persons are entitled to full and complete information regarding the affairs of government and official acts and policies of those who represent them as public officials and public employees consistent with the terms of this Act. Such access is necessary to enable the people to fulfill their duties of discussing public issues fully and freely, making informed political judgments and monitoring government to ensure that it is being conducted in the public interest.” 5 ILCS 140/1 Section 1. 

The Addison Public Library values transparency and is committed to providing citizens and taxpayers access to applicable public records under the Act. The intent of this policy is to clarify the requirements and to assist staff in the compliance of both the letter and the spirit of the Act. 

Many of the Library’s records and documents may be accessed on the Library’s website without requiring a FOIA request. 

Information may be requested and the records made available to the public in the following manner: 

A. Requests must be submitted in writing and should be directed to the following individual: Mary Medjo Me Zengue, FOIA officer. There is no requirement under the Act to respond to oral requests. Requests may be submitted by email, USPS mail, special carrier or by fax.

  • Email address: FOIA@addisonlibrary.org 
  • Mailing address: Addison Public Library, 4 Friendship Plaza, Addison, IL 60101 
  • Fax #: 630.543.6645 

B. The request must indicate if it is for a “commercial purpose.”1

C. The request must specify the specific records requested to be disclosed for inspection or to be copied. If the requestor desires that any records be certified, you the request must specify which ones. 

D. To reimburse the Library for actual costs for reproducing and certifying (if requested) the records, the requestor will be charged the following fees:

a. There is a $1.00 charge for each certification of records. 

b. There is no charge for the first fifty (50) pages of black and white text either letter or legal size. 

c. There is a $.10 per page charge for black and white and $.25 for color copied letter or legal sized records in excess of 50 pages; the actual copying cost of other sized copies will be charged. 

E. If the records are kept in electronic format, the requestor may specify a format and if feasible, the records will be so provided, but if not, the requestor may choose to have them provided either in the electronic format in which they are kept or in paper. Additional fees for the actual cost of the medium used to provide electronic records, such as a flash drive, may be charged. 

F. The office will respond to a written request within five (5) working days or sooner if possible. An extension of an additional five (5) working days may be necessary to properly respond. 

G. Records may be inspected or copied. If inspected, an employee must be present throughout the inspection or copying process. 

H. Records will be made available for inspection by appointment on weekdays, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., excluding holidays. 


Certain types of information maintained by the Library are exempt from inspection and copying. However, the following types or categories of records are maintained and available for public viewing: 

  • Monthly Financial Statements 
  • Annual Receipts and Disbursements Reports 
  • Budget and Appropriation Resolutions 
  • Operating Budgets 
  • Annual Audits 
  • Minutes of the Board of Library Trustees 
  • Library Policies 
  • Adopted Resolutions of the Board 
  • Annual Reports to the Illinois State Library 


1 “Commercial purpose” is defined as “the use of any part of a public record or records, or information derived from public records, in any form for sale, resale, or solicitation or advertisement for sales or services.” However, there are exceptions for news media, non-profits, scientific and academic organizations for disseminating news, articles or opinions of public interest, or research or education. 

In the event a “commercial interest” is involved, additional questions can be asked of the requestor by the public body FOIA officer in order to determine the classification, then the public body has up to 21 days to respond and either deny the request based on exemptions or undue burden; or estimate the time and cost of the copying for prepayment; or provide the documents requested. 

Policy Type