📣 Upcoming Closure - Fri., Feb. 28

 The library will be closed on Friday, February 28 for Staff Development Day.

 La biblioteca estará cerrada el viernes, 28 de febrero por día de capacitación del personal.

Article III - Officers

Last Updated Date

Section 1:  Officers

The officers shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.  Each office shall be held by a different Trustee.

Section 2:  Duties of Officers

The duties of the officers of the Board are as provided by 75 ILCS 16/30-45:

  1. The President shall preside over all meetings, appoint members of committees authorized by the Board, and perform other duties specified by library’s regulations, ordinances, or other appropriate action.  The President shall not have or exercise veto powers.
  2. In the President’s absence, the Vice President shall preside at meetings, and shall have such other duties and responsibilities as the Board may determine.
  3. The Secretary has the responsibility to see that adequate minutes of meetings of the Board are taken and maintained as a public record.  The Secretary signs minutes of meetings after their approval by the Library Board.  The Secretary also certifies documents on behalf of the Board, including levy requests, grant applications and annual reports.
  4. The Treasurer has the responsibility to see that accounts and records of the Library are kept and maintained; indicating in those accounts and records a record of all receipts, disbursements, and balances in any funds.  The Treasurer shall, at every Board meeting, present an account of the status of the treasury at the date of such accounting and the balance of money in the treasury. The Treasurer shall be chairman of the Finance Committee.  In accordance with Illinois law, the Treasurer will be bonded or insured.

Section 3:  Election of Board Officers

Officers of the Board shall be nominated and elected according to normal parliamentary procedures at the May meeting of the Board to serve until the election at the May meeting of the following year.  If there are more than one candidate, there shall be a written ballot; otherwise, election shall be by voice vote.                                                                    

Section 4:  Vacancies

Should an office of the Board become vacant prior to the May meeting, the Board shall, at the first regular meeting held after such vacancy occurs, elect a Trustee to fill the unexpired term.

Section 5:  Absence of Officers

Should both the President and Vice President be absent from a duly constituted regular or special meeting at which a quorum is present, the attending Trustees shall choose from among their number a temporary presiding officer who shall be designated chair pro tem.  Should the Secretary be absent from any meeting, the presiding officer shall appoint from among the Trustees present a secretary pro tem, who shall perform the duties of Secretary during the meeting.  Should the Treasurer be absent from any meeting, the Trustees present shall appoint a treasurer pro tem to perform the duties of office.

Section 6:  Eligibility

All members of the Board shall be eligible to be officers of the Board.

Policy Type