The library will be closed on Friday, February 28 for Staff Development Day.
La biblioteca estará cerrada el viernes, 28 de febrero por día de capacitación del personal.
In the Community
You can use this page to explore all the places library staff will go: Park District facilities, laundromats, parks, and more. Our goal is to bring the library to you!
While out and about, we can sign you up for a library card, check out books, and hook you up with library swag because we know that schedules get busy and it’s not always easy to arrive to the library.
To fit a variety of needs, our appearances in the community look different! When you request a visit, let us know how we can tailor your experience. Here are a few examples of the formats we've used:
Pop-Up Libraries: One-hour visits to indoor spaces like Club Fitness, senior homes, and laundromats.
Libraries in the Park: Summer exclusive series where we visit parks with the Rolling Reader, our book bike.
Tabling at events: We love when our community comes together, especially when we can join. Staff can share information on upcoming events and answer questions.
Short presentations: Library staff can present a brief overview on library services to community groups in English or Spanish that can be tailored to the audience.