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Staff Picks: Books for Kids Who Love Puzzles and Mysteries

by Brittany Burns, Children’s Services Associate  June 2022

I love a good book with an awesome story and amazing puzzles that get you thinking. One of my favorites is Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library by Chris Grabenstein. Main character Kyle Keely loves all types of games, but his favorites are the ones made by his idol, Mr. Lemoncello. Luckily for Kyle, Mr. Lemoncello is building a library in his town and is giving a handful of kids a chance to spend the night in the new library exploring. The only problem is that they can’t get out the next morning. Can they escape Mr. Lemoncello’s Library? This book is full of fun references and puzzles that you just have to solve. It also sounds like the greatest library ever built and it makes me jealous I can’t go to Mr. Lemoncello’s library. The characters are also interesting and very diverse, so you won’t get bored following around the same characters.

A similar title is Secret Coders by Gene Luen Yang. Hopper has moved to a new town and is going to a new school. She is not happy about this at all. And her new school is weird. From the locked doors, the numbers everywhere, and the creepy birds, Hopper is determined to figure out the mystery of Stately Academy. Secret Coders is full of mysteries and puzzles which you can solve as you read. The characters are interesting and make you want to help them in their cause. Can you help Hopper solve the mystery of Stately Academy?
Another amazing book is The Game Master: Summer Schooled by Matt and Rebecca Zamolo. Becca is one science project away from getting her summer back from summer school and she has her Nana’s vintage zoetrope to make that happen. Things don’t go as planned when a voice known as the Game Master tells the students that the doors are locked, the teachers are gone, and they must solve clues to get out. Becca is determined to beat the Game Master and get her Nana’s zoetrope and her summer vacation back. This book is full of interesting puzzles and a diverse cast of characters.
Finally, check out The Anti-Book by Raphael Simon. Life is not going well for Mickey, and he is not happy about it. His family is breaking apart and adding new people. When given the opportunity to make everything he doesn’t want to disappear, he takes it. Unfortunately, he may have gone too far and now everyone is gone. This is a great book about how to deal with the little and big things that get under your skin. It is a good story and has interesting characters. A true example of being careful what you wish for.
These are all great books that test your knowledge and problem-solving skills while still giving you a great story. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!