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LinkedIn has now acquired Tens of thousands of online courses are available on many business, technology, and digital media topics. They also added tutorials in Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese, French, German, and Portuguese.

One on one tutoring in math, English, science, social studies, AP classes, college test prep, and more for students in fourth grade through college and beyond. Tutors are available in English and Spanish from 3:00pm-10:00pm.

Learn languages through native conversations: Mandarin Chinese, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish or English as a Second Language from Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, or Spanish.

Aprenda idiomas a través de conversaciones nativas: chino mandarín, francés, alemán, griego, italiano, japonés, portugués brasileño, ruso y español o inglés como segundo idioma del polaco, portugués brasileño o español.

Covering almost 400 topics, each has an overview, background, description and argument and counter-argument on current topics. Also included for each topic is a Guide to Critical Analysis for help in evaluating controversial subjects and opposing viewpoints.

Learn a new language with a selection of more than 118 languages. From Afrikaans to Zulu, it offers skill-building activities in the four key components of learning a language: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Transparent Language also provides English courses for speakers of more than 25 languages, from beginner lessons to immersive material for intermediate and advanced learners. 

Aprenda un nuevo idioma con una selección de más de 100 idiomas. Desde afrikáans hasta zulú, ofrece actividades de desarrollo de habilidades en los cuatro componentes clave del aprendizaje de un idioma: escuchar, hablar, leer y escribir. Transparent Language también ofrece cursos de inglés para hablantes de más de 25 idiomas, desde lecciones para principiantes hasta material inmersivo para estudiantes de nivel intermedio y avanzado.

Thousands of online video courses in business, tech, and personal development across 75+ categories to achieve personal and professional goals.

Miles de cursos de video en línea en negocios, tecnología y desarrollo personal en más de 75 categorías para lograr objetivos personales y profesionales.

Get live help from 2 - 11 pm applying for veteran’s benefits including eligibility questions, referrals to community resources for housing, healthcare and education and assistance in filling out official forms.

VetNow (Veterano/aAhora): Reciba ayuda en vivo de 2-11 p.m. para aplicar para beneficios para veteranos, incluyendo preguntas de elegibilidad, referencias a recursos comunitarios para vivienda, atención médica y educación, y asistencia para completar formularios oficiales.

World Book has the classic encyclopedia entries students have used for years as well as activity ideas, timelines, and interactive early learning games.